Nailers VS The Mighty Shrimps | Thu Oct. 10th 10:15pm Newington+Blue |
Americans VS The Moby Dicks | Mon Oct. 14th 9:20pm Cromwell+Upper |
Ice Hawks VS Grizzlies | Wed Oct. 16th 9:55pm Newington+Red |
Chilis Wynne VS Night Hawks | Wed Oct. 16th 10:00pm Cromwell+Upper |
Nailers VS Kraken | Thu Oct. 17th 10:00pm Cromwell+Lower |
Grizzlies VS Chilis Wynne | Sun Oct. 20th 5:30pm Cromwell+Upper |
The Moby Dicks VS Nailers | Sun Oct. 20th 8:25pm Newington+Red |
Night Hawks VS Americans | Sun Oct. 20th 9:20pm Cromwell+Lower |
Kraken VS Ice Hawks | Sun Oct. 20th 9:45pm Newington+Red |
The Mighty Shrimps VS Ice Hawks | Wed Oct. 23rd 9:55pm Newington+Red |
Chilis Wynne VS The Mighty Shrimps | Sun Oct. 27th 7:45pm Newington+Blue |
Americans VS Grizzlies | Sun Oct. 27th 9:05pm Newington+Blue |
Kraken VS The Moby Dicks | Sun Oct. 27th 9:45pm Newington+Red |
The Mighty Shrimps VS Americans | Sun Nov. 03rd 6:55pm Newington+Blue |
Grizzlies VS Nailers | Sun Nov. 03rd 8:15pm Newington+Blue |
Night Hawks VS Kraken | Sun Nov. 03rd 9:25pm Newington+Blue |
Ice Hawks VS Chilis Wynne | Sun Nov. 03rd 9:40pm Cromwell+Upper |
The Moby Dicks VS Chilis Wynne | Mon Nov. 04th 9:00pm Cromwell+Upper |
Nailers VS The Mighty Shrimps | Sun Nov. 10th 4:10pm Cromwell+Upper |
Americans VS Ice Hawks | Sun Nov. 10th 8:40pm Newington+Red |
Kraken VS Grizzlies | Sun Nov. 10th 10:00pm Newington+Red |
The Moby Dicks VS Night Hawks | Thu Nov. 14th 9:00pm Cromwell+Upper |
Chilis Wynne VS Americans | Sun Nov. 17th 4:30pm Cromwell+Upper |
Americans VS Night Hawks | Sun Nov. 17th 6:10pm Newington+Blue |
The Mighty Shrimps VS Kraken | Sun Nov. 17th 7:10pm Cromwell+Upper |
Grizzlies VS The Moby Dicks | Mon Nov. 18th 10:15pm Cromwell+Upper |
Ice Hawks VS Nailers | Thu Nov. 21st 10:00pm Cromwell+Lower |
Nailers VS Night Hawks | Mon Nov. 25th 9:00pm Cromwell+Upper |
Nailers VS Chilis Wynne | Sun Dec. 01st 6:10pm Newington+Blue |
Kraken VS Ice Hawks | Sun Dec. 01st 7:30pm Newington+Blue |
Night Hawks VS Grizzlies | Sun Dec. 01st 8:50pm Newington+Blue |
The Moby Dicks VS The Mighty Shrimps | Mon Dec. 02nd 9:55pm Newington+Red |
1st Seed VS 3rd Seed | Sun Dec. 08th 6:15pm Newington+Red |
BKI Blowholes VS 4th Seed | Sun Dec. 08th 7:35pm Newington+Red |
1st Seed VS BKI Blowholes | Sun Dec. 15th 6:40pm Cromwell+Lower |